MASV 공식 블로그
생산성 팁, 새로운 기술에 대한 프로필, 크리에이티브 전문가와의 인터뷰를 통해 크리에이티브 미디어 워크플로우를 개발하세요.
Twisters Editor Terilyn A. Shropshire, ACE on Taming a Summer Blockbuster
Twisters editor Terylin A. Shropshire dishes on the lifespan of a VFX shot, the role of QTAKE in production, the implications of shooting on 35mm film, and why it's important to always experiment in the editing lab.
조니 엘윈
9월 24, 2024
iPhone Filmmaking and Reporting Workflow: Efficiently Get 4K Footage To Multiple Destinations
Shooting video with iPhone is a must for many media organizations and even filmmakers, but it’s still not easy to quickly get 4K footage to multiple destinations all at once—unless you use MASV.
코너 스털링
9월 19, 2024