Simple, Secure Upload to QNAP NAS

MASV makes it easy for teams and clients to securely drag and drop large files into your QNAP NAS, with minimal configuration and zero port forwarding.

Read the full tutorial below.

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Fast Large File Uploads

Contributors can drag and drop files into a secure browser window to deliver files quickly to your QNAP storage via auto-ingest.

Icono del escudo

Secure Access

Provide access to select team members to your QNAP NAS using only MASV—no wrangling with system permissions or ports.

icono añadir equipo

Easy Implementation

Set up MASV on QNAP in just minutes. Use MASV to track file deliveries and manage privileged access to your device using our Web App.

Tutorial Preparation

In the following tutorial, you’ll learn how to:

  • Install the Agente del MASV on a QNAP NAS.
  • Create a secure connection to your QNAP NAS in the MASV Web App.
  • Use MASV Portals to ingest files from contributors directly to your QNAP storage.

What you’ll need:

For this tutorial, we’ll install the Docker image of the MASV Agent. For information about supported platforms, visit MASV Agent Setup.

Time to complete: Approx. 15 min.

💡 Note: If you’re looking for more detailed info about the MASV Agent, you’ll find commands, parameters, and more in the MASV documentación para desarrolladores.

That’s all! Time to install the MASV Agent.

Install the MASV Agent

You can install the MASV Agent by using the Container Station available in the QNAP QTS or QuTScloud.

Puedes utilizar Container Station to pull the MASV image from Docker Hub, and create and configure a container. You’ll need to create or choose folders to map to your MASV Agent volumes before you can set up the container.

Installing Container Station

If you don’t already have Container Station installed with your QTS software, you can follow the instructions below.

1. Open your QTS software, and open App Center.

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2. Search the App Center for Container Station, and select Install. The app installs in the background.

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3. On the Welcome screen, select Start to accept the default image location and to open the app.

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Prepare a File Structure in File Station

Before you create a container for MASV, you’ll want to create or identify where you’ll map the container volumes.

For this tutorial, we’ll create a masv folder in your QNAP device’s storage with two default subfolders: config (for the MASV Agent configuration files, including settings.yml) and data (the location where the downloaded files will be delivered).

1. In the QNAP QTS software, select File Station.

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2. In File Station, create the folder structure you want to use or verify that you have an existing folder structure that you can use.

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Pull the MASV Agent Image and Create a Container

1. In your QNAP QTS software, open Container Station.

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2. In the Container Managerselecciona Container from the sidebar on the left, and select the Crear botón.

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3. En las Create Container window, on the Select Image page, choose the following:

  • Mode: Select Basic mode.
  • Registry: Select Docker Hub.
  • Image: Copy and paste the following image reference: masvio/masv-agent:latest.
  • Select the Try pulling the image from the registry before creating the container checkbox.
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4. Select Next.

5. On the Configure Container page, type a name for the container.

6. We recommend setting the Restart policy a Always. For this tutorial we’ll accept all default Network Configuration ajustes.

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7. Select the Configuración avanzada link, and in the Configuración avanzada window, select Almacenamiento from the sidebar.

8. Start with a clean slate by selecting the Delete qnap trash delete icon icon to the right of the Volume caja.

9. From the Add Volume menu, select Bind Mount Host Path.

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10. To set a Host folder, select the yellow Navega por qnap browse button button and navigate to the folder where you want to store the MASV configuration files. We’ll choose masv/config, and select Aplicar.

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11. In the Container box, type /config. You can leave the RW setting (for Read/Write) as it is.

12. From the Add Volume menu, select Bind Mount Host Path again, and repeat the steps to map a folder where you files will be downloaded or uploaded from. For Host we’ll use masv/data and for Container, we’ll enter /data.

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13. Select Aplicar to close Configuración avanzadaNext, y después Finish. In a few moments your new MASV Agent container displays in the Containers lista.

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Now we’ll open the MASV Web App to create an Integration with the QNAP device.

Create a Secure Connection to your QNAP NAS in the MASV Web App

In the MASV Web App, we’ll set up a secure connection by registering an ID and secret key with the QNAP device.

When setting up the QNAP integration, we need to choose a direction (Save to storage o Send from storage). We’ll set up a Save to storage integration, but you can easily repeat the process to set up a Send from storage integration as well.

1. Sign in to the Aplicación web MASV, and in the sidebar on the left, select Integraciones.

2. On the Integraciones page, select the Available Integrations tab, and select QNAP.

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3. En las Add Integration window, type a name in the Nombre de la conexión caja.

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4. For the Transfer Direction option, select Save to storage to allow MASV to send files to your QNAP device.

  • (Optional) When you choose Save to storage, you have the option to set a Target Directory (must be an existing folder) and Parent Folder Options (package name used to create a folder). These are relative to the root path and are appended as shown in the following example: /data/{target directory}/{package name}/{transferred files or folders}.

5. Select Next, and in the Register Integration window, ignore step 1 (MASV Agent installation is already done).

6. Copy the block of code from step 2. Nota: The ID and Secret are included in the code block. If you are familiar with the MASV Agent CLI and wish to manage connections manually, the ID and Secret are provided below the code block.

Now we’ll open a Terminal window for the MASV Agent container.

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7. In the Container Stationselecciona Containers in the sidebar, and select the container name (masv-agent-1) to view container details and status.

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8. Select the Execute button to open the Execute Console, and select Execute to open a Terminal window.

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9. Paste the code that you copied from the MASV Web App into the Terminal window.

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10. In the Terminal window, edit the –root-path placeholder text (‘path/to/dir’) to set the directory to data: –root-path ‘/data’, and press Enter. A successful connection displays “code”: 200.

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11. In the Aplicación web MASV, in the Register Integration window, select Hecho.

12. On the Integraciones page select the My Integrations tab, refresh the browser page, and confirm that the Estado column for the QNAP NAS displays OK.

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Save Files to Your QNAP NAS with MASV Portals

MASV Portals are web uploaders that make it easy to collect files from contributors and deliver them to your storage of choice. Let’s take a look at how this process works with our new QNAP storage integration.

You’ll first need a portal MASV. If you don’t already have one set up, you can create one in the Aplicación web MASV.

Full instructions can be found in the Help: How to create, edit, or delete a Portal. You can create an Instant Portal in a couple of clicks, or create a Custom Portal.

1. In the Aplicación web MASVselecciona Request Files with Portals from the sidebar on the left.

2. On the Request Files with Portals page, choose a Portal, and in the Actions column, select the menu icon [three vertical dots], and select Editar.

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3. On the Edit Portal page, select the Integraciones tab, and in the Estado column, enable the toggle for your QNAP integration.

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4. Seleccione el Guardar button in the lower right corner of the page to apply the changes.

5. Return to the Request Files with Portals page. Now you’re ready to send a file request.

6. Select the Actions menu icon for your Portal, and select Send Upload Request from the menu.

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7. Fill in the Send Upload Request Via Email fields, adding the email recipients and the message that you want to send.

8. Select the Send Request button to close the window.

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What Happens Next?

1. The email recipients listed in your upload request receive an email with a link to your Portal.

What happens next 1

2. Using their web browser, the email recipient can drag and drop the files onto the Portal page and send the files as a package.

What happens next 2

4. As the Portal owner, in addition to a package notification email, you’ll receive an email notification when the files have been delivered to your Synology storage.

💡 Tip: As an alternative to monitoring received files via email, you can review all sent or received packages in the Aplicación web MASV. Select historial de transferencias in the sidebar, and on the historial de transferencias page, select the Recibido tab to view a list of all received packages.

You can scroll left-right to view all info, and in the Actions column, select the icon and choose Package Details for more info, including a delivery log.

💡 Tip: Packages that are active in your historial de transferencias can easily be sent to any of your Integrations, including QNAP. Simply select a package from the Sent o Recibido tab, and in the Actions column, select the icon and choose Send Package to Cloud. Select the Integration you want from the list, and select Confirm.

Files are saved to your default location (/data/MASV) or to the Target Directory configured in the integration.

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Want to check? On your QNAP device, open File Station, and navigate to your mapped folder. If you didn’t set an optional Target Directory, your files are saved to the following default location: Portal Downloads > [Portal name] > [Package name].

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Congratulations! You’ve installed the MASV Agent, set up an Integration in the Aplicación web MASV, and delivered files to your QNAP storage by using a MASV Portal. You can create as many Integrations and MASV Portals as you need to help organize your file transfers, teams, and projects.

Next Steps

There are so many ways our customers build MASV into their workflows, from managing uploads and downloads in a central hub, to taking advantage of advanced features in the Aplicación de escritorio MASV, to building custom workflows by tapping into the MASV API.

For more information about the MASV API, visit our Documentación para desarrolladores de MASV.

Try the MASV Integration with Synology NAS

Use MASV and Synology storage to speed up content ingest to storage workflows.