Der offizielle MASV-Blog
Entwickeln Sie Ihren kreativen Medien-Workflow mit Produktivitätstipps, Profilen zu neuen Technologien und Interviews mit Kreativspezialisten.
Speeding up Video Metadata Ingest for Media Asset Management
When a major public cloud provider asked for a better ingestion workflow to retain metadata on video clips, CineSys developed a workflow involving cloud storage, Cantemo, MASV Portals, and MASV automations that dramatically reduced time-consuming manual steps.
Marc Paquette
Sep 26, 2024
Twisters Editor Terilyn A. Shropshire, ACE on Taming a Summer Blockbuster
Twisters editor Terylin A. Shropshire dishes on the lifespan of a VFX shot, the role of QTAKE in production, the implications of shooting on 35mm film, and why it's important to always experiment in the editing lab.
Jonny Elwyn
Sep 24, 2024
iPhone Filmmaking and Reporting Workflow: Efficiently Get 4K Footage To Multiple Destinations
Shooting video with iPhone is a must for many media organizations and even filmmakers, but it’s still not easy to quickly get 4K footage to multiple destinations all at once—unless you use MASV.
Conner Stirling
Sep 19, 2024
Editor Peter Oliver On Cutting Emmy-Winning Netflix Hit ‘Baby Reindeer’
Erfahren Sie, wie der Cutter von Baby Reindeer Szenen von Grund auf neu erstellt, wie er die Balance zwischen Düsternis und Komik hält, wie seine Arbeitsabläufe aus der Ferne aussehen und vieles mehr.
Jonny Elwyn
14. August 2024