All elements of video production have deadlines. But let’s be honest: Some are more important than others.
A day late to go location scouting? Probably not such a big deal.
A day late getting dailies footage to editors chomping at the bit to start cutting? A bit more of a big deal.
Hard deadlines like that are why we take speed, reliability, and overall turnaround time when transferring large videos deadly (😀 ) seriously here at MASV.
But there’s a baked-in problem with sharing large files over the internet: It can slow down your network bandwidth.
So, we’ve developed a three handy tools within the MASV platform to manage your bandwidth and help speed up file transfers. Let’s have a look at them.
Send Large Files at Max Speed
Use MASV to send large media files over the cloud, fast. No throttling.
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Let’s not beat around the bush. Sharing files over the internet – especially large files like high-resolution raw video – inevitably eats up your network bandwidth. That’s just a fact.
Here’s where it gets tricky, though: regardless of whether you work from home or at the office, you likely share bandwidth with other people.
This sharing of bandwidth goes both ways. It can slow down your transfer speeds and also cause performance issues with others on your network.
That means it’s in everyone’s best interest not to be a bandwidth hog!
Luckily, if you use MASV, there are three ways to manage precious bandwidth and speed up file transfers while being fair to others at the same time.
Option #1: Pause and Resume

This one’s pretty self-explanatory: The MASV desktop app allows you to pause and resume files at your leisure.
Pausing a transfer redirects its bandwidth to other applications or files whose MASV transfers are in progress, giving them more juice.
So if you’re moving five big files, but two aren’t time-critical, you can put them on pause and redirect more bandwidth to more time-sensitive transfers.
Or, if you’re transferring at home and your partner really wants to watch the latest season of Ozark in 4K, you can hit pause and redirect more bandwidth to Netflix without losing your transfer progress. (Don’t worry, we got you.)
Option #2: Transfer Priority

Mid-sized and large video teams transfer many large videos, and in many cases, pausing a transfer on tight deadlines isn’t just undesirable: It’s unthinkable.
At the same time, though, some of your files carry more importance or need to move faster than others.
That’s where MASV’s Transfer Priority tool can be a big help.
The Transfer Priority tool lets you assign a priority level, from highest to lowest, to all your transfers. Higher priority packages get more internet bandwidth so they can move faster — a great option to get rush deliveries past the finish line.
Send Rush Deliveries With MASV
Fast, secure, and reliable file transfer of time-critical files. Sign up in seconds.
Option #3: Speed Limits
The MASV Speed Limits tool allows you to limit the speed of uploads and downloads. You can even specify which day you want these limits to apply, or a time range (during super busy periods, for example).
Speed Limits are a great tool if you share internet traffic with other people, like in an office. When others are on conference calls or streaming video, it takes up bandwidth and slows down your transfer speed.
Or, as we mentioned up top, if you’re uploading a huge file, there’s a chance you’ll take bandwidth away from other people who need it more than you at that moment.
Speed Limits can help here. You can set them up so all your heavy file transfers are done overnight, for example, when the network is likely freer.
Because MASV is a cloud-based file transfer protocol, it prioritizes reliability and fairness by monitoring network traffic – and setting up Speed Limits can result in better performance for everyone.
Sharing is caring, after all. ❤️

There you have it: Three ways MASV gives you control over transfer speeds for faster, more efficient file delivery and better file transfer turnaround times.
But don’t just take our word for it: If you’re new to MASV, sign up today to get 20 GB free.
MASV File Transfer
Get 20 GB to use with the fastest, large file transfer service available today, MASV.