Fast, Affordable Large File Delivery for Content Creators

Grow your creator business by speeding up production. Use MASV to quickly send 4K footage to editors, so they can get started sooner.

Stay on top of your posting schedule, move content faster with MASV.

Get Your Content Out On Time

Share hundreds of gigabytes with your editor without upload issues.

Pay For It Your Way

Want to pay once in a while? We offer pay-as-you-go. Need to send files regularly? We have a monthly plan too.

Use The Apps You Love

We integrate with the tools you use everyday, like Google Drive and Dropbox.

Professional Content Creators Who Trust MASV

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The Challenge

You need a fast, reliable, and affordable way to transfer video files to your editor.

As a content creator trying to grow an online business, you need to post videos regularly or face the wrath of the algorithm.

You likely work with an editor to help edit your videos so you can focus on marketing, community, and everything else to save money. And since you want your videos to look good, you record in 4K for the best quality.

These 4K files are huge and can easily weigh over a hundred gigabytes after just a few minutes of recording. You might use tools like WeTransfer or Dropbox to transfer these files, but they aren’t built for fast transfers of large files.

In order to stay on top of the posting cadence your audience has grown to expect, you need to get files to and from your editor quickly, and that’s where MASV comes in.

The Solution

MASV makes sending videos to your editor quick and easy.

If you’re wondering, “What’s the best way for YouTubers to send videos to editors?”, look no further. MASV is the ideal solution for content creators who want to quickly publish their content and streamline their delivery of large media files.

send large files upload in progress

Don’t Slow Down

We accelerate files over AWS so your transfers move as fast as possible.

Don’t Compromise

We support large files of up to 15 TB per file. Go ahead and upload that entire 2-hour Twitch stream

Keep it Simple

Sign-up and send files within seconds — no setups or installs necessary.

Make Extra Money

Our affiliate program is an easy way to make some extra cash (15% commission).

Grow Your Influence

MASV will grow with you; from vlogs out of your bedroom to your very own studio.

The Best File Sharing Tool for Content Creators and Influencers

Recommended Features 🏆

Discover additional MASV features that will help take your brand to the next level:

User-Friendly Portals

Your editor can create a free MASV Portal. Upload assets into the Portal, and your editor receives them in their inbox or preferred cloud storage.


Send files to your favorite cloud storage. We have integrations with tools like Dropbox, Google Drive, and

Premiere Pro Panel

Editing in Premiere? Save a step. Our Premiere Pro Panel lets you export and transfer videos at the same time.

Backup Storage

You can never have too many backups; we automatically store every file for seven days free.

Slack Notifications

Keep your team organized with our Slack integration. Track transfer status in any channel with real-time notifications.

Mobile Browser

Our browser app is mobile-friendly; log-in from any browser on your phone to send and receive files.

Recommended Reading

Resources for those who want to make it big in the creator economy.

Best Gear For Making A Short Film With Your SmartPhone

Best Gear For Making A Short Film With Your SmartPhone

If you’re an aspiring filmmaker and you have an idea for a short film or a video project (like a documentary), with nothing but a phone in-hand — good news! That’s more than enough. And if you want to give your film that extra bit of polish, we’ve compiled a smartphone filmmaking kit with affordable gear to level-up your shoot.

Enhance Your Content Game with MASV

Join other video professionals who rely on MASV to deliver huge video files to their editors.