Anyone who works with large files on a regular basis — like a videographer working with raw 4K footage — is used to the sticker shock of a terabyte (TB). While most consumers still consider a terabyte to be a considerable amount of data, it’s also clear a terabyte ain’t what it used to be as file sizes and internet usage increase.
Either way, you look at it, a terabyte is still a monster when it comes to data measurement (just google the origin of the word tera). 👹
Keep in mind that a terabyte can hold the same amount of data as nearly a million floppy disks, or 1,498 CDs. Having said that, the first 1 TB external hard drive didn’t even exist until 2007.
So, let’s explore the nuts and bolts of how much is a terabyte, and how does a terabyte differ from other units of memory measurement, such as a byte, a kilobyte, a megabyte, or a gigabyte. In this post, I will also explore frequently asked questions regarding terabyte file sizes and provide info on how to move files of this size.
Table of Contents
- What is a Terabyte?
- How Much is a Terabyte?
- How Many Photos Can 1 TB Hold?
- How Many Movies Can 1 TB Hold?
- How Many Documents Can 1 TB Hold?
- What’s The Best Way to Transfer 1 TB Online?
- How Do I Send 1 TB Online Safely?
- How Do I Transfer a 1 TB Folder Online Without Compression?
- Transfer Terabytes of Data By Email (Or Otherwise) With MASV
Send Terabytes of Data
Send up to 15 TB with a single file, over the cloud, at max speed with MASV file transfer.

What is a Terabyte?
A terabyte is a digital data unit of measurement used to assess a specific amount of data or digital storage capacity.
How many GB is a terabyte? Generally, a terabyte is worth about 1,000 GB, or one trillion bytes.
Exactly how much is a terabyte, however, depends on whether you look at it from a binary (base 2) or metric (base 10, or decimal system) perspective.
- In decimal notation a terabyte is worth one trillion bytes, which is a nice whole number.
- A binary terabyte (technically known as a tebibyte, or TiB) is worth exactly 1,099,511,627,776 bytes (or 1,024 GB).
Say what now?
Don’t worry, I know these dueling perspectives can be confusing, so we wrote this post outlining the differences between binary and decimal units of data measurement. You can also use an online TB converter to work out how much data you’re really dealing with.
How Much is a Terabyte?
If you’re wondering how much is 1 terabyte of storage, futurist and author Ray Kurzweil estimated that the human brain has the capacity to hold around 1.25 terabytes of data. If that seems like a lot, remember that it’s the equivalent of a little more than one hour of 4K video footage shot from an ARRI Alexa Mini LF in ARRIRAW format.
That’s right: If your brain were a digital storage device, it could only hold around an hour of 4K footage.
Side note: Is that why I’m constantly forgetting things? Is my brain running out of disk space?
Wondering how many gigabytes are in 1 terabyte, how much cloud storage or other storage space you might need, and what that might mean for your cloud storage cost and data usage? Here’s how terabytes fit within the larger data measurement framework (using decimal notation):
Bit (b) | 1 |
Byte (B) | 10 b |
Kilobyte (KB) | 1,000 B |
Megabyte (MB) | 1,000 KB |
Gigabyte (GB) | 1,000 MB |
Terabyte (TB) | 1,000 GB |
Petabyte (PB) | 1,000 TB |
Exabyte (EB) | 1,000 PB |
Zettabyte (ZB) | 1,000 EB |
Yottabyte (YB) | 1,000 ZB |
How Many Photos Can 1 TB Hold?
Before getting too deep into how much is 1 terabyte of storage, it’s worth pointing out that digital information like images, videos, and documents all come in different sizes, so a definitive answer is impossible.
But we can make some pretty good estimates, in this case based on an agreed average image size of, let’s say, 500KB per image. Assuming digital notation, then 1 TB cloud storage should hold around two million photos. Here’s the math:
- If…1 TB = 1000 GB
- Then…1000 GB = 1,000,000 MB
- Which means…1,000,000 MB = 1,000,000,000 KB
- As a result…1,000,000,000 KB/500KB per photo = 2,000,000 photos
The above completely depends on the size of your images, however. And if you’ve just purchased new computer hard disk drives, a solid state drive, or a shiny new 1 TB external drive to store all those images, keep in mind there’s not going to be a full terabyte of storage on those drives. Plan accordingly.
How Many Movies Can 1 TB Hold?
As with the above example, the number of videos contained within a terabyte depends almost entirely on video size – which, in turn, depends on several factors, including bit rate, frame rate, and resolution.
The well-known American engineer (and Commodore Amiga aficionado) Dave Haynie explains how many videos one terabyte can hold (summarized in the table below).
Resolution |
Frame rate |
Format | Est. video size |
4096×2160 |
24 |
Uncompressed RAW | 40 minutes |
4096×2160 | 24 | ProRes RAW | 1.7 to 3.4 hours |
4096×2160 | 24 | ACG long GOP | 9.4 to 14 hours |
Or, as Haynie says,
“There are so many flavors of video. How many sea shells can you fit into a duffel bag?”
(His quote. Not ours.)
You can use our recent guide to 4K video sizes, as determined by the specs of some of the most popular video cameras on the market, to determine how much disk space you have within a terabyte.
How Many Documents Can 1 TB Hold?
While this again depends on size, there are some pretty reliable estimates from which we can draw. According to this post , for instance, one gigabyte can hold the following number of documents (sorted by document type and assuming decimal notation):
Document type |
# of pages (GB) |
# of pages (TB) |
Email file | 64,782 | 64.78M |
Text file | 677,963 | 677.96M |
PowerPoint file | 17,552 | 17.55M |
What’s The Best Way to Transfer 1 TB Online?
The best way to transfer large files typically depends on your needs. You can use a file transfer protocol (FTP) server, but they’re generally slow, not user-friendly, and not very secure.
You can also use some of the more popular consumer-grade cloud solutions out there, like Google Drive or Dropbox, but along with being slow, they have hard limits on file size or the amount you can transfer per day. That means a lot of zipping and splitting before you can transfer that much data.
MASV’s accelerated private network, on the other hand, offers up to 10 Gbps data transfer with a maximum file size limit of 15 TB per file (and unlimited file packages). MASV also provides free cloud storage on the MASV Cloud for five or seven days, depending on your plan, or optional extended storage once your free storage runs out for a low fee.
Whichever method you choose for terabyte data transfer to a cloud storage provider or other destination, you need to ensure it prioritizes safety and security, encryption, speed, and ease of use.
Fast, Easy, and Secure Media Delivery
See why MASV large file transfer is trusted by media professionals around the world.
There are several security measures you should keep in mind when transferring terabyte files—especially if you’re a professional in the video production industry:
- A Trusted Partner Network (TPN) assessment: File transfer companies can undergo a detailed cybersecurity audit of their information security management systems, content handling workflows, and processes by the third-party organization known as the Trusted Partner Network (an organization run by the Motion Picture Association, or MPA).
Such an assessment – which must be kept up-to-date – proves your provider adheres to the MPA’s Best Practices Common Guidelines for securely sharing valuable intellectual property.
MASV is a TPN-validated (Gold Shield status) file transfer solution.
- A layered security framework: This should include rigorous and regular security awareness training for all employees, customer data protections (including code scanning before deployment and automated system access alerts), robust 12-character passwords, and encrypted files both in-flight and at-rest.
Learn how MASV was built for secure file transfers since Day 1.
- A zero-trust architecture: The principle of least privilege ensures that every employee can only access the data and applications they need to do their job, and nothing more.
- Compliance with data protection standards: Your provider should comply with data protection standards such as the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), and Canada’s Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA).
How Do I Transfer a 1 TB Folder Online Without Compression?
Moving a large amount of data without compression is a tall order in most cases. Large video files usually need some form of lossless or lossy compression—such as zipping—before transferring with standard large file transfer solutions.
Zipped files, however, are notoriously prone to corruption and suffer from a lack of cross-platform support because of a lack of uniform standards. Zipping files is also a time-consuming task (especially if you need to zip and split your files into multiple smaller ones).
At MASV, we encourage users not to zip their files using third-party software. MASV maintains your original folder structure, just like a ZIP file, and delivers files in a format compatible with any operating system. Plus, MASV’s automatic transfer resumptions ensure your files won’t corrupt if your computer goes to sleep or you briefly lose connectivity.
Hopefully, by now, you know what and how much 1 terabyte is, and how much digital information it can hold. To recap quickly:
- How much is a terabyte/how many GB is a terabyte: A terabyte is a unit of measurement worth about 1,000 GB, or one trillion bytes (when looking through a base 10 decimal perspective).
- How many photos can 1 TB hold: If you have a 1 TB external drive or access to extra space in a cloud storage service, you can hold approximately 2,000,000 photos (if each photo is 500 KB in size — which is highly unlikely).
- How many movies can 1 TB hold: 40 minutes of footage (if uncompressed from a 4K camera).
- How many documents can 1 TB hold: 677.96M documents.
- What’s the safest way to transfer 1 TB and larger files online without compression? The answer: MASV 👇
Transfer Terabytes of Data By Email (Or Otherwise) With MASV
Sending large video files of up to 15 TB using MASV is as simple as sending an email. Users can easily send larger files by email by sending a delivery as a link. Once you create a MASV link, you can share it any way you want, including copying and pasting it into the body of an email.
You can also use MASV Portals to quickly receive files by sending anyone a link to your Portal; all they need to do, in turn, is drag their file into your Portal. Users can further integrate their Portal by integrating with a cloud storage service, combined with MASV’s unlimited data storage for instant file backup.
Request a quote for custom plans or sign up for MASV and get 10 GB free to use each month, every month, with a flat pay-as-you-go rate of $0.25/GB (with extended data storage for an extra ten cents per GB per month) for additional usage.
While it’s not a terabyte’s worth of data, it’s still a pretty great deal.
MASV File Transfer
Get 10 GB free every month with the fastest, large file transfer service available today, MASV.