What Is Photogrammetry? Everything You Need To Know
If you're creating virtual environments, I could go in and shoot through photogrammetry and have a background and then use that later as a location. A simple explanation of that is a show called Station Eleven on HBO Max.
Jim Donnelly
Mar 31, 2022
Remote Production in 2022: Things to Consider
If 2021 was the year remote production became normalized, 2022 is when it becomes the de-facto way of work for Media and Entertainment (M&E). The “big” projects in M&E have been moving in this direction for sometime. Albeit slowly. In 2021, all aspects of production moved from the facilities to the WFH model making everyone a remote worker.
Gary Adcock
Jan 31, 2022
Creating the Metaverse with Volumetric Video and Virtual Production
Metastage provides state-of-the-art, 3D volumetric video capture and photorealistic virtual humans—and when paired with virtual production, is perfect for injecting into the metaverse as representations of real people.
Jim Donnelly
Nov 30, 2021
NFTs and Filmmakers: Monetize Your Video Content, New-School Style
Should filmmakers care about NFTs? We think it's worth a closer look. Learn how can NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, can help creators and filmmakers monetize video content and digital artwork in 2021.
Jim Donnelly
May 12, 2021