The Official MASV Blog
Develop your creative media workflow with productivity tips, profiles on emerging tech, and interviews with creative specialists.
10Gbps Internet: What is It (And How Do I Get It)?
while 10Gbps internet speed is a possibility, even the fastest connections aren’t very useful without the right hardware and software to take advantage of all that speed. Anything else risks creating a bottleneck, throttling your actual speed and neutering the effectiveness of your fancy new connection.
Jim Donnelly
Jul 7, 2022
How to Make Your Voice Sound Better in Premiere Pro
If you’re recording a voiceover, your voice should be crisp, with depth and richness. It should not be muffled, echoey, and tinny (like the bad video conference calls during the height of 2020). Here's how can you enhance the quality of your dialogue audio and make your voice sound better.
Alexandra Marriott
Jul 5, 2022