The Official MASV Blog
Develop your creative media workflow with productivity tips, profiles on emerging tech, and interviews with creative specialists.
Understanding the Differences between Online Storage, Nearline Storage, and Offline Storage
Many different terms exist when describing the array of available digital storage options. But all storage options and technologies for video production fall under one of three basic categories: Online storage, nearline storage, or offline storage.
Jim Donnelly
Mar 9, 2023
What Is Video Transcoding?
Video transcoding is happening all around us, and, if you master the process, it can make your video workflow far more efficient, cost-effective and pleasurable. But what is video transcoding, how does it work and what do you need to know to transcode correctly?
Jonny Elwyn
Mar 7, 2023
Storage & Back-up Workflow for Filmmakers
To get a better understanding of the types of storage options available to filmmakers, best practices and tips when storing files, and some examples of existing storage workflows, read our guide on video storage workflows for production teams below.
Jim Donnelly
Feb 28, 2023
Best Gear For Making A Short Film With Your SmartPhone
If you’re an aspiring filmmaker and you have an idea for a short film or a video project (like a documentary), with nothing but a phone in-hand — good news! That’s more than enough. And if you want to give your film that extra bit of polish, we’ve compiled a smartphone filmmaking kit with affordable gear to level-up your shoot.
Ankit Verma
Feb 21, 2023